
Project Khanya: Hybrid Effectiveness-Implementation Trial for ART Adherence and Substance Use in HIV Care in South Africa

South Africa is home to the largest number of HIV-infected individuals in the world. Although SA has one of the largest global antiretroviral therapy (ART) programs, a barrier to achieving successful HIV treatment and prevention outcomes is untreated substance use disorder (SUD). Integrating evidence-based interventions to address both HIV treatment adherence and SUDs in HIV care has potential to improve HIV treatment and prevention in SA. This study is a five-year implementation science trial funded by the National Institute of Drug Abuse to adapt and implement a brief, paraprofessional-delivered integrated intervention for SUD and HIV treatment adherence in Cape Town, South Africa. We are evaluating whether an adapted intervention, delivered by paraprofessionals in this setting, is feasible and acceptable and can reduce SUD symptoms, improve HIV treatment adherence, and reduce HIV viral load.

Location: Cape Town, South Africa; Funding: NIDA (K23DA041901; 2016-2021; PI: Magidson). Partnering with University of Cape Town (UCT). Opportunities for staff and graduate students to be involved in study coordination, secondary data analysis, and future grant submissions.

Publication of results:

“Someone who is in this thing that I am suffering from”: The role of peers and other facilitators for task sharing substance use treatment in South African HIV care

“Too much boredom isn’t a good thing”: Adapting behavioral activation for substance use in a resource-limited South African HIV care setting.

Adapting a behavioral intervention for alcohol use and HIV medication adherence for lay counselor delivery in Cape Town, South Africa: A case series.

Project Khanya: A randomized, hybrid effectiveness-implementation trial of a peer-delivered behavioral intervention for ART adherence and substance use in Cape Town, South Africa.

Project Khanya: Results from a pilot randomized type 1 hybrid effectiveness-implementation trial of a peer-delivered behavioural intervention for ART adherence and substance use in HIV care in South Africa.