
Kristen Regenauer, MS
Clinical Psychology PhD Student

Kristen Regenauer is a doctoral candidate in clinical psychology at the University of Maryland (UMD). Her research interests focus on adapting behavioral interventions to increase engagement in care for people living with stigmatized health conditions (for instance, substance use and HIV) in low-resource settings. Currently, Kristen is working on projects related to substance use, intersecting stigmas, stigma-reduction efforts, HIV medication adherence, and task sharing to people with lived substance use experience. Most of her research is based in the Western Cape Province, South Africa, although she also does some work in Baltimore, MD. Before starting at UMD, Kristen worked as a clinical research coordinator in the Behavioral Medicine Program at Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH)/ Harvard Medical School in Boston, MA. She first started working with Dr. Magidson on the K23-version of Project Khanya (K23DA041901; PI: Magidson) at MGH. Kristen continued to work on Project Khanya upon Dr. Magidson’s move from MGH to UMD, and now is excited to be involved in the R01 version of the project (R01DA056102; PI: Magidson).


University of Maryland, College Park

MS Clinical Psychology

Middlebury College
BA Psychology, Minor in Philosophy